www.AlgonquinAdventures.com - Forum and Website Advertisement Links

Note: Only advertisements related to outdoor activities (maufacturers, suppliers, guides, publishers, etc.), to photography (manufacturers, suppliers, services, etc.) or to the locality of Algonquin Park (lodges, motels, restaurants, stores, etc.) will be carried.

120 x 120 pixel 'advertisement link' at the very top of the forum's front page.
$140 / yr.
240 x 120 pixel 'advertisement link' at the bottom of each forum index and discussion page.
$215 / yr.
120 x 120 pixel 'advertisement link' on front page of website leftside menu frames of the News and Updates section.
$190 / yr.
120 x 120 pixel 'advertisement link' at various spots throughout the leftside menu frames of the website inner sections.
$52 / yr.

All 'advertisement links' are limited to non-animated image files. An active link will take the viewer to the advertiser's own site in its own browser window. The advertiser's site will not appear within a frame of this site.

The actual linking image file will be either supplied by the advertiser, an adaptation of the advertiser's logo or an original design.

Only locations identified in the following manner are currently available ...

Orders can be made by a yearly rate. Please e-mail for further details, or to order an advertisement link.

Payment must be received within 30 days of commencement or renewal of an ad.

Rates posted above are effective on orders placed after December 31st, 2015. Future changes to rates will be posted with a revised effective date.

Should Algonquin Adventures cease operations (not including interrupted servers, distribution systems or other 3rd party services), it limits its responsibility to advertisers to a proportional refund of prepaid fees, for the remaining portion of time.

Should documented complaints concerning an advertiser's products, services or conduct be received; Algonquin Adventures reserves the option to remove the advertising link and issue the advertiser a proportional refund of prepaid fees, for the remaining portion of time.

Should an advertiser's site contain content that Algonquin Adventures deems to be of a political, violent, sexual, "adult" or criminal nature; it will remove the advertising link and issue the advertiser a proportional refund of prepaid fees, for the remaining portion of time.

January 1st, 2016